
Supporting paper work in city hall, beginning of new life

Beginning of new life in a different country, always TOUGH,,,,

Even though you can speak that language in daily life, still,,,

many paperwork, opening bank account, cellphone contract, etc,

those are very very very important tasks for starting a new life, so you want to 100% make sure what is going on in processing💪

From ECHO HOUSE to city hall, just 10min by bicycle, 9 am on Jan in, 8℃, cold❄️ but morning is the best time to go city hall, not so many people there

Get health insurance card and register automatic account payment these two are today’s mission❗️

health insurance is around ¥2000/month(if your income on last year was low) if you get injure or sick, definitely you go to the hospital, because you pay health insurance.

we took around 1hour in the hall, 11 am

go lunch and go home,,,,🍛

どこの国でも、newライフの手続きは大変ですよね、、💦 いくら、自分がその言語を話せても、役所・銀行・携帯電話・不動産の手続き、、、 専門用語があり、その国特有のシステムがあり、、、なかなか理解しづらい、、、 けど100%理解しないと不安、、、

今日のミッションは、Uさんの健康保険カードの取得と支払い方法の変更、、、❗️ なんやかんや1時間くらいかかりました
