We have vegan people and muslim people in this time.
So no raw fish in sushi roll, which Japanese people loves to eat🍣
One person asked how can I make communication with local Japanese friend, such as friend in part time job.
One of the good way to do is making laugh.
and I explain Osaka direction and Osaka comedy spirits culture😁
What is Setsubun???
Feb 3rd, called Setsubun-no-hi in Japan, long time ago, this is the date when we start new year not Jan 1st , and also this is the date binging of spring. In Setsubun-no-hi, we blow away evil spirit from our body and our home in order to wish happy year. This is originally from 200 years ago “Edo-era” only in Osaka, but this culture was burdened recent years. Since 1970s, Nori(seaweed) business has started this campaign.
Reference: https://mamanoko.jp/articles/18500
Why eating no cutting Sushi-roll in secret, facing to East-North-East???
Ehomaki has seven kinds of ingredients which is connected with Seven gods in ancient Japan. If you roll this seven kinds of ingredients in sushi, the sushi roll become super happiness. And you do not want to cut this super happiness sushi roll. The time eating sushi roll is such a communication with seven gods, of course, you cannot talk in communication with god(Do not worry other religion ladies, this culture is from 1970s, and Yusuke is sure this culture is made by sushi business or nori business campaign. No one knows this event is communication with gods.)
Reference: https://kamyyusy.com/640.html