Today, 12/24 in 2018, at 6pm, one roomy, Rさん, she asks us to go German Merry Christmas Market in Osaka,,,, we just leave ECHO HOUSE after 10min her words.
Nさん is the first time to take JR train to Osaka station, roomy is supporting to buy ticket,,, Actually, the market is the worst ever,,,, lol. What is the worst part? Too many people, even we do not have any space to have foods and drinks, even no space to buy stuff. Last year, I saw some pictures of the market on Facebook, very fancy and beautiful. But this year, the real is always different from on SNS lol
We took 30min to escape from the market, just people people,,,, people,,, Even in the crowed people, Japanese is making line, so polite. We go to the one restaurant for vegan and muslim for us,,, it was not so bad, even for Japanese people.
vegetarian Gyoza, ¥350 vigan ramen, ¥750
After going back to ECHO HOUSE, one roomy recommend me to watch one movie because I was very interested in vegan. The movie is Earthlings [Documentary]. I cannot say my opinion yet and what movie makes me change, but I am pretty much sure human beings is selfish and I need to face myself selfishness.
ECHO HOUSEは大阪・新今宮駅徒歩2分に位置する、☆①当日から生活が始められ②自分だけの部屋とコミュニティスペース③好立地・良心価格、が特徴的☆主に外国人日本居住女性専用・小規模シェアハウスです。ハラル用(豚肉調理禁止)キッチンも準備しております。 ご質問等ありましたら、いつでもご連絡お待ちしております。→
ECHO HOUSE is located around 2min form JR Shinimamiya-station, in Osaka. 3 features, ☆①Just show up(basic furniture is set already), ②Own your private with your roomy, ③Center city location &Good Price☆ This is woman only cozy share house, mainly foreigners(of course, Japanese is also OK). We also have Halal kitchen as well !!! We are happy to get message from you, anytime.→
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